© 2025 SlowMemory - COST Action CA20105 - Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerating Change
Slow Memory Bulletin 6/2024 Dear Slow Memory Community, We hope this email finds you well and in good spirits. As we are approaching our final grant year, we have some news to share with you. You can always keep up to date with us on Facebook and Instagram and newly on LinkedIn and Bluesky! *Slow...
Dear members of the Slow Memory COST Action, We hope this Newsletter finds you in good health and spirits. As we move towards the winter break and the third grant year, we would like to inform you about recent developments within the Action. Newsletter now online! Our Newsletter Bulletin will from now on be published...
Dear Action Members, This is the Third Newsletter Bulletin of the Slow Memory COST Action, and we hope that you have enjoyed an inspiring and productive academic year 2022/23. Relaunch of the Slow Memory WebpageWe have been working in the past few months to improve our Slow Memory Website, and the new version is now...
Dear members of the Slow Memory Community, We hope that you are enjoying spring time at the moment. It is time for the second instalment of the Slow Memory Bulletin, the newsletter to keep you in the loop on events, projects, publications, and more… If you would like to share your news, contact the communication...
Dear participants of the Slow Memory COST Action, We are delighted to send you this first instalment of the Slow Memory Bulletin. This Newsletter is intended to inform you about recent and upcoming events, developments and projects within and beyond the Slow Memory Cost Action. It is also meant to provide a platform for members...
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding organisation for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and beyond and enable researchers and innovators to grow their ideas in any science and technology field by sharing them with their peers. COST Actions are bottom-up networks with a duration of four years that boost research, innovation and careers.
The SlowMemory COST Action addresses the need for increased interdisciplinarity in our understanding of how societies confront their past to contend with environmental, economic and social changes brought on by sudden events and by slow and creeping transformations.
MoU – 045/21
CSO Approval date – 25/05/2021
Start date – 14/10/2021
End date – 13/10/2025