

The second training school & third annual meeting for the “Slow Memory – Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerated Change” COST action took place in Belgrade, Serbia during the last week of May 2024, at the Faculty of Media and Communications (FMK). We had 34 participants in the training school and 60 for...

Conference report (Belgrade): Working Group 3 “Transformation of Politics” Co-authored by Sara Jones and Maija Spurina The working group on slow transformation of politics met in three sessions. This time our meetings were focused on various projects that our groups had been working on. The co-chairs of the group Sara Jones and Maija Spurina and...

a poster with notes for a meeting on it

The second conference for the COST action “Slow Memory – Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerated Change” took place in Aarhus, Denmark from June 12th-16th, 2023. We had 34 participants in the training school and 60 for the conference with 35 countries represented in all. The focus of the conference was on methodologies:...

Hayden, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The “Transformation of the Environment” working group (WG5) met three times in the course of the Aarhus conference, twice to reflect on input received during plenary “Key Insights” sessions and to relate it to members’ own research on slow environmental memory, once to discuss educational materials and a special issue proposal. Hamid Foroughi and Ayse...

a photography of members of the slowmemory project in the north sea

Aarhus Report from Working Group 4 The training school was organized into two tracks under the broad categories of “storytelling” and “ethnography” – with a uniting focus on “moving methodologies” (i.e. walks and talks). Over the course of the training school, we were introduced to different kinds of methodologies and sense-making, which we tried to...

Aarhus, Denmark, June 12-13, 2023Marileen La Haije (University of Cologne) During the second in-person meeting of the Slow Memory network in Aarhus, members of Working Group 2: Transformation of Welfare participated in a series of workshops as part of the training school. These workshops addressed methodological possibilities and challenges for the study of slow memory...

A photography by Sylwia Ciszewska-Peciak, with flowers and a pane 'Rose Gifts on Ladies Day'

Slowmemo general conference (Aarhus), June 12-16 Working Group 3 aims to explore the influence of slow memories on political action and decision-making. The working group met four times during the conference to discuss emerging themes across the group (Continuity, City, and Speed/Acceleration), consider how the key insights presented in the plenaries connect to our work,...

A granite vein cross-cutting an augen gneiss. Picture taken at Niteroi, Brazil

Slowmemo general conference (Aarhus) – June 12-16 2023 One of the cross-cutting themes of the Slow Memory project is language. This theme is applicable to all working groups and was discussed in an all-group meeting in Aarhus. We discussed how this can be applied on different levels:  from a multilingual perspective – across the working...

COST Action SlowMemory opened last year founding for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM). We are happy to publish two reports: The 2023 STSM call is available on this page.

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