Slow Memory ECR Training School: Belgrade May 27-28, 2024
organized by Orli Fridman and Jovan Ivanovic
“Theoretical approaches to Slow Memory”
The Slow Memory Cost Action invites applications from junior scholars and PhD students for our 2024 training school that will focus on “Slow Memory theory”. The training school will take place at the Faculty of Media and Communications (FMK) in Belgrade on May 27-28. For admitted participants, travel, food, and accommodation costs will be fully covered.
Program & Eligibility
The Training School will be an intensive and collaborative experience for 16 participants who will engage with core members of the COST Action. The goal will be to productively engage with theoretical approaches to slow memory and to receive individual feedback on your PhD (or other) research project. The program will include theory workshops, project feedback sessions, and walks and talks in Belgrade that will allow us to engage with slow memory in a practical sense. Any member of the COST Action is eligible to apply, but we will prioritize applications from junior scholars who have previously been active in the Action. If you would like to participate and become an active member, you are welcome to apply for membership in the Action before applying to the Training School.
Draft Schedule may be subject to changes
Sunday May 26 – Arrival day
Monday May 27 – Training school day 1
9:30 – 11:00 Slow memory master class 1
11:30 – 13:30 Implementing the slow: participant presentations in break-out groups
Afternoon City Walk – tracing Post – Yugoslav slow transformations
Visit of the Museum of Contemporary Art / muzej savremene umetnosti
Evening drinks/dinner on the Sava River
Tuesday May 28 – Training school day 2
9:30 – 11:00 Slow memory master class 2
11:30 – 13:30 Implementing the slow: participant presentations in break-out groups
Afternoon: Welcome to the desert of Post-Socialism. Slow transitions, fast new realities
NOTE: The Slow Memory COST Action annual conference will happen from May 29-31 in Belgrade. A limited number of spots will be available to Training School participants who wish to stay for the main meeting.
Application Process
We invite applications from early career researchers and PhD students who wish to engage productively with various approaches to slow memory and think through how it might apply to their research. Participants will submit a research proposal/brief ahead of time and are expected to read and prepare feedback on other participants’ work. Please submit your application by filling out this form.
Deadline to submit applications: February 15, 2024
Decision announced: March 1, 2024
Papers from participants submitted: May 13, 2024
Questions and comments? Contact Orli Fridman of the local organizing team.