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Ecological Temporalities and the Aesthetics of Slow Remembering: In Conversation with Filmmaker Gabrielle Brady

Ecological Temporalities and the Aesthetics of Slow Remembering: In Conversation with Filmmaker Gabrielle Brady

In this session, organized by WG5 Transformation of the Environment, Rosanne Kennedy (Australian National University) will be in discussion with filmmaker Gabrielle Brady on the topics of multidirectional eco-memory, slow memory, ghostly remains, and the dynamics of place in her past and forthcoming film projects. Her palimpsestic documentary film Island of the Hungry Ghosts (2019), set on Christmas Island, places the trauma of both the asylum seekers who are detained there and the psychologists who support them in a longer, multilayered history of human and non-human migration. The film, in many ways, engages our awareness of differing temporalities of human and non-human life. Other in-progress projects include a hybrid documentary, The Wolves Always Come at Night. Based on her work with nomadic families in Mongolia, this film traces forced migration after climate events. Ghost Birds (working title) is a hybrid fiction feature film about a sleep walking ecologist who works for a mining company set in Australia. After an in-depth conversation discussing her works, methods and themes, Gabrielle will engage us in practices designed to slow down our movements and bring us to heightened sensory attention to place and sound. Technology permitting, she will show selected clips from her films.

Hybrid and open to the general public via Zoom. Registration is required for online participation. Note that you will need to sign up for a (free) Zoom account, if you don’t have one already, to be able to enter the meeting.

Co-sponsored by Nottingham Trent University’s Global Heritage Research Theme.

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