Workshop: Walkability between the Past and Present
Organized by Diana Salahieh, Layla Zibar, Ph.D., Akshatha Ravi Kumar and doc. ing. arch. Irena Fialova
In collaboration with Prof. Kateřina Králová, from the Research Center for Memory Studies (RCMS) at Charles University
The event will take place in Prague from September 11-14, 2024, focusing on sensory walking, mapping, and digital humanities to explore urban spaces as a methodological approach for slow memory. Our goal is to produce creative outputs that will contribute to the educational materials and a collaborative methods paper on walkability and slow memory.
We have a limited number of spots available for members to join us in the workshop and help test the method. While we are unable to fund everyone, we will do our best to support those interested in contributing to the production of materials alongside architecture/urban planning master students.
To apply please send an email to walkability.workshop.prague@gmail.com with a short motivation (450 words max). This workshop will provide 2 ECTS credits for CTU Prague master students.
Download the flyer here.
Photo credits: Kim Groop