Bulletin No. 5/2024

Bulletin No. 5/2024

Dear members of the Slow Memory Community,

We hope that you are enjoying spring time at the moment. This is the 5th instalment of the Slow Memory Bulletin, the newsletter to keep you in the loop regarding events, projects, publications, and more. The Action now has 295 individual members, so we do need this medium of communication more than ever!

If you wish to contribute to this newsletter, contact the Communications Team, Hanna Teichler and Taylor McConnell.

2024 Annual Meeting in Belgrade, Serbia (May 27-31)

Preparations for the next Annual Meeting in Belgrade are well under way. We are very grateful that Orli Fridman and Jovan Ivanovic are organizing what promises to be the next engaging and unforgettable Annual Meeting. The main meeting will be preceded by a Training School, for which more than 70 Early Career scholars have applied. Alas, we are only able to invite a fraction! Stay tuned for more information and keep an eye out on the homepage, especially with regard to information related to travel and accommodation.

Change in Leadership of Working Groups 6 and 7 

Isabel Machado Alexandre and Taylor McConnell have been elected as the new Co-chairs of Working Group 6 and 7 respectively. Welcome and thank you for your commitment! We warmly thank Frédéric Clavert for his commitment and efforts as Communication Officer.  

Calls for Applications: Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) and Conference Grants (ITC & Dissemination)

A central aim of the Slow Memory COST Action is to facilitate exchange, foster interdisciplinarity, and enable mobility. To that end, members of the Action are once again invited to submit applications for short-term scientific missions or conference grants. Find out more about rules and regulations on our webpage. Please note that the deadline for applications is April 15, 2024. If you have any questions, please direct your enquiry to Vjeran Pavlakovic (STSM) or Deniz Gündogan Ibrisim (Grants). 

Slow MeMo Cross Cutting Theme: Language

The cross-cutting theme of language is an important aspect of the Slow Memory programme. Do get in touch with Natalie Braber if you have been considering language as part of your working groups — this could be producing multilingual resources, bibliographies or maybe your research includes some aspect of language or linguistics. It would be great to share ideas and methods of good practice! 

Working Papers and Other Publications 

Another key element of this COST Action are the publications that emerge from it. We have already assembled quite the collection of Working Papers authored by members of different Working Groups, and two more have now been published on our webpage. 

To read all working papers, visit this space



The course introduces the main concept and approaches within memory studies relating them to reflect on care and welfare. Drawing on case studies from different European countries and regions, the course explores different ways of remembering Europe’s complicated past and investigates how these forms of remembering influence life, politics and culture across contemporary Europe.

The course will take place in a virtual format with online lectures and seminars taught on Microsoft Teams by top academic experts in the field of Memory Studies from 4EU+ partner universities and the COST Action Slow Memory. 

The next session will take place on March 27, 9.30 am CET. Register here for the event. Find out about the schedule and more on our webpage! 

  • Call for Papers: Workshop ‘Islands of Memory’

    8thto 9th June, Stari Grad, Hvar, Croatia
    Co-organized by Vjeran Pavlakovic and Florian Bieber
    Submission Deadline: 1st of April, 2024
    Find out more on our webpage

  • We are currently developing the Slow Memory Podcastas a joint project across the Action. Listen to the first episode published on our homepage. Stay tuned for more episodes and more information on where and how to subscribe!

  • Follow us on Blueskyto receive regular updates!

  • We warmly thank Vjollca Krasniqi (Co-Chair Working Group 6) for organizing an unforgettable Core Group Meeting in Prishtina (Kosovo) earlier this month!

We are looking forward to seeing many of you in May in Belgrade!

With our best wishes,

Jenny Wüstenberg & Joanna Wawrzyniak (Action Co-Chairs)
Hanna Teichler & Taylor McConnell (Communication & Dissemination)


Latest Updates

Action members Sara Jones and Thomas Van de Putte have just published an essay titled “Following the well-trodden paths of the past”. Check it out via this link.  Abstract: The event-based focus of much memory studies scholarship appears to centre the field on ruptures, and yet theories of cultural memory also consider how those ruptures...

The Memory Studies Association invites proposals for its ninth annual conference, to be held from 14 to 18 July 2025 at Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences in the historic city of Prague. This on-site conference aims to carry over from earlier conferences a transdisciplinary conversation on memory and its social, cultural and public...

Call for Articles Slow Memory: The Transformative Promptings of Literature in Post-conflict Societies for a special issue of Memory Studies Review (2026)edited by Patrick Crowley and Gunnþórunn Guðmundsdóttir ‘I feel something quiver in me, shift, try to rise, something that seems to have been unanchored at a great depth; I do not know what it...

  Workshop: Walkability between the Past and Present   Organized by Diana Salahieh, Layla Zibar, Ph.D., Akshatha Ravi Kumar and doc. ing. arch. Irena Fialova  In collaboration with Prof. Kateřina Králová, from the Research Center for Memory Studies (RCMS) at Charles University  The event will take place in Prague from September 11-14, 2024, focusing on...

The second training school & third annual meeting for the “Slow Memory – Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerated Change” COST action took place in Belgrade, Serbia during the last week of May 2024, at the Faculty of Media and Communications (FMK). We had 34 participants in the training school and 60 for...

Image 13: Part of the massive monument in Batina

Call for articles for the Special Issue  Slow Memory After Conflict: Fragments From the Post- Yugoslav Space  Editors: Orli Fridman and Vjeran Pavlakovic  Rationale  Inspired by the COST Action on Slow Memory, we are pleased to announce a call for papers to a special issue of the journal Southeastern Europe that will critically engage with...

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