Call for Papers: Dynamics, Mediation, Mobilization – Future Directions in Memory Studies

Call for Papers: Dynamics, Mediation, Mobilization – Future Directions in Memory Studies
 5-7 June 2025, Nottingham, United Kingdom


Keynote: Ann Rigney (Utrecht University)
Organisers: Jenny Wüstenberg, Natalie Braber, Chris Reynolds, Jenny Woodley (AIMS@NTU)

“Collective memory is constantly ‘in the works’ and, like a swimmer, has to keep moving even just to stay afloat.” This is how Ann Rigney (2008) conceptualized remembering – not as a fixed repository of the past, but as an active process involving continual negotiation, (re)mediation, and interpretation. Rigney has been instrumental in keeping the field of memory studies moving forward and has supplied a whole host of generative concepts that help us systematically analyse varied dynamics of remembering. This conference will focus on these dynamics, bringing together key figures in memory studies to discuss and develop future directions in the field.

The conference will also be an occasion to showcase the recent volume Dynamics, Mediation, Mobilization – Doing Memory Studies With Ann Rigney (edited by Astrid Erll, Susanne Knittel and Jenny Wüstenberg, available in open access here). Over 25 of its contributors have confirmed their participation in this conference, including: Laura Basu, Jesseka Batteau, Lucy Bond, Stef Craps, Chiara de Cesari, Ann Dooley, Astrid Erll, Paco Ferrandiz, Sarah Gensburger, Maria Grever, Ido de Haan, Marianne Hirsch, Wulf Kansteiner, Margaret Kelleher, Rosanne Kennedy, Susanne Knittel, Eneken Laanes, Alison Landsberg, Joep Leerssen, Gerardine Meaney, Jeffrey Olick, Liedeke Plate, Jessica Rapson, Amza Reading, Michael Rothberg, Vered Vinitzky-Seroussi, Clara Vlessing, and Jenny Wüstenberg.

In addition, we invite junior and senior researchers to join the discussions about the dynamics of remembering and how best to study them in the coming years by submitting proposals on (but not limited to) the following themes:

  • History, narrative and memory
  • Mediation and remediation
  • Life and afterlives of memory
  • National and transnational memory
  • The matter of memory
  • The agency of the aesthetic
  • The memory-activism nexus
  • Future and transdisciplinary directions in memory studies
We are open to receiving proposals for individual papers, panels, roundtables and workshops as well as for non-conventional formats. We especially encourage inter- and transdisciplinary submissions.

Proposals should be sent to by 14 February 2025 as one PDF file that includes the following:

  • Name(s)
  • Title
  • Abstract (up to 200 words)
  • Proposal format (paper, panel, roundtable, other)
  • Bio(s) of presenter/participants (up to 100 words)


Please note that there will be a conference fee to offset some of the expenses for meals and activities (authors of the volume and members of AIMS@NTU are exempt from fees).


  • Deadline for submissions 14 February
  • Notification of outcome by 14 March
  • Registration for speakers by 15 April
  • Registration for non-speakers up to 30 April
  • Conference 5-7 June (optional excursion on 8 June)


In addition to joint lunches and one joint conference dinner (included in conference fees), you will have the option of signing up to a range of guided city walks and visits. There will also be the possibility of a one-day excursion on 8 June by train to the Peak District for some lovely walking and learning about the region’s industrial and natural heritage.

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