CA20105 Slow Memory
WG 2 Welfare Meeting, June 8 & 10, 2022, Isle of Portland
Facilitator: Kateřina Králová (CZ)
Present: Isabel Alexandre (PT), Verusca Calabria (UK), Raifa Jabareen (IL), Toms Kencis (LV),
Kateřina Králová (CZ), Jenny Wüstenberg (UK)
The WG2 participants identified an overreaching theme of their interest as (de)institutionalization of care(s). Within this theme, the methods and concepts bringing them together are the following:
- oral sources
- stigma (as a form of memory)
- diachronic and log-durée perspective in time and space
They also shared information on conferences in preparation where they could disseminate the WG researcher:
- Oral History Society National conference in partnership with Nottingham Trent University (6/7/2023) on the theme of collaborative oral histories; Verusca is coordinating the conference and will send the groups details when the call for papers goes live.
- Mnemonics conference – London (6/2023)
WG2 deliverables discussed:
- Working paper on concepts (COST Y1)
- Working paper on methodology (COST Y2)
- Special Issue (COST Y2/3)
- Stakeholders and what to do with them (ongoing)
- Podcast (ongoing)
Further, those in attendance proposed a WG2 meeting of (co)authors committed to the special issue at Nottingham Trent University in 2023. Verusca suggested hosting the meeting around one of the social events organized in conjunction with an externally funded project she is leading on the social history of a mental health day centre in Nottingham, which turns 50 this year.
TASK: Enquire about possible funding.
Regarding methodology, those in attendance discussed how to conduct research within the community, in terms of languages in relation to the possible dissemination as well as interaction with and engagement of stakeholders.
Finally, the WG2 participants identified possible journals of interest in oral history, memory studies, and welfare (such as Memory Studies, JNMLP, Ethics and Social Welfare, The International Journal of Social Welfare).
The group is aware of the need for language editing and open access. It was agreed that an Open Call for the special issue contributions will be prepared and distributed within WG2.
DEADLINES: The WG2 participants agreed on sharing with the WG2 (co)chairs:
- one paragraph on their research overreaching theme (Aug. 2022)
- one-pager as a possible article proposal within the overreaching theme (Feb. 2023)